Website relaunched & update

A Trojan attack took this website off the internet for a while. It is now back!
I took the opportunity of the Trojan taking down my website to rethink the site and research proper security. I have several other web projects that required immediate attention so this site rebuild took a little longer.
Here is a little update on my studio activities recently. As most know, I took a position at Lee University in 2019 and moved from California to East Tennessee. Life has been busy but good since arriving here. In 2020, I got a university grant to add to my Covenant Series body of work. This work is ongoing but in early 2021 there was, in the university gallery, an exhibition of the works completed. This year I was awarded a grant that is funding three studio assistants for this academic year. Over the last six weeks, they have been a tremendous help! We are currently stretching dozens of canvases in preparation for some serious artistic output. I look forward to sharing the work as it is produced.

I am excited to have this rebuilt website up and look forward to being able to keep in better touch with those who follow my artwork and career.